The Huntington Estates Tennis Courts are open for member play throughout the year IF the weather is good. The gate lock code is provided to all members in good standing.
We welcome members from outside the Huntington Estates subdivision! Please learn more on our Membership Page.
Registration for our 2025 group tennis lessons is open. To view the lesson schedule, click HERE. To sign up and register, download this FORM.
You can contact our lesson coordinator Jen Jesso at jenjesso@yahoo.comwith any questions.
HEBT is also be running a ladies' team program in 2024. Check the teams' page for more information in the new year.
Huntington Estates General Court Rules
Huntington Estates Tennis Courts are available for the exclusive use of HEBT members. Identification may be requested.
Tennis courts may be used for Tennis or Pickleball only. No chairs, bikes, roller blades, skateboards, animals, or other non-tennis objects are allowed on the tennis courts at any time.
Proper tennis attire is required. Please refrain from wearing dark soled shoes on the court as they can leave permanent marks on the courts surface.
Proper tennis etiquette should be exhibited at all times.
No food is permitted on the courts or in the patio area adjacent to the courts.
HEBT lessons, teams and special events always have court priority.
Junior players (17 years and under) must give adults court preference during prime court time (on weekends, holidays, and weekdays after 5:00pm)
When people are waiting, there is a limit of 1 hour for singles and 1½ hours for doubles.