Huntington Estates

  Bath and Tennis Club
     Naperville, IL 60540

  New Members to HEBT

We welcome individuals and families who are not residents of the Huntington Estates subdivision to join our Bath and Tennis Club! If you are interested in joining us, please sign up through our E-Soft platform located here.


Membership Options

Huntington Estates Homeowners Association Residents

Only fully current dues paying members of the Huntington Estates Homeowners Association are eligible for the resident rate. HOA dues are paid separately. 

Family - Pool and Tennis (Huntington Estates Residents Only) - $305

ONLY FOR Residents who are current dues paying members of the Huntington Estates Bath and Tennis Club Homeowners Association. This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. HOA fees must be paid to the HOA Management Company prior to the season starting. Ability to sign up for various HEBT swim, water polo, and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. You have the option to add an additional Caregiver (Child Care Provider) onto this account for pool access. The Caregiver is able to bring children to the pool on the account. 

Non-Huntington Estates Members

Family Pool and Tennis - $645

This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. Ability to sign up for various HEBT swim, water polo, tennis lessons and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. You have the option to add an additional Caregiver (Child Care Provider) onto this account for pool access. The Caregiver is able to bring children to the pool on the account. 

Family Tennis Only - $130

This level is for tennis only access privileges. Ability to sign up for various tennis teams and tennis lessons is available as part of the sign up process. 

Couple Pool and Tennis - $388

This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. Ability to sign up for various HEBT swim, water polo, and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Single Adult Pool and Tennis - $254

This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. Ability to sign up for tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Single Tennis Only - $64

This level is for tennis access privileges only.  Ability to sign up for various tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process.

Naperville Country Club Members

The Huntington Estates Homeowners Association has a partnership with the Naperville Country Club for mutual member discounts. Active membership in the Naperville country Club is required to take advantage of the offers below. 

Naperville Country Club Family Pool and Tennis - $425

ONLY FOR Families who are current dues paying members of the Naperville Country Club. This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. NCC membership will be verified prior to season commencement. Ability to sign up for various HEBT swim, water polo, tennis lessons and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. You have the option to add an additional Caregiver (Child Care Provider) onto this account for pool access. The Caregiver is able to bring children to the pool on the account. 

Naperville Country Club Family Tennis Only - $86

ONLY FOR Families who are current dues paying members of the Naperville Country Club. This level is for tennis only access privileges. NCC membership will be verified prior to season commencement. Ability to sign up for various tennis lessons and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Naperville Country Club Couple Pool and Tennis - $252

ONLY FOR Couples who are current dues paying members of the Naperville Country Club. This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. NCC membership will be verified prior to season commencement. Ability to sign up for various HEBT swim, water polo, tennis lessons, and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Naperville Country Club Single Adult Pool and Tennis - $165

ONLY FOR Single Adults who are current dues paying members of the Naperville Country Club. This level is for pool and tennis access privileges. NCC membership will be verified prior to season commencement. Ability to sign up for tennis lessons and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Naperville Country Club Single Tennis Only - $44

ONLY FOR Single Adults who are current dues paying members of the Naperville Country Club. This level is for tennis access privileges only. NCC membership will be verified prior to season commencement. Ability to sign up for various tennis lessons and tennis teams is available as part of the sign up process. 

Questions? Please email us at

And welcome aboard!

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